[LA Matheson Locker Zones]

Welcome to the on-line locker management system for L.A. Matheson Secondary School.
You will have access to the system once you have paid outstanding Student Fees.
Please note that there will be a system delay of up to 24 hours between the fee payment and the locker selection availability
Please note:
Your user ID is your student number.
Your password is your birthdate entered as YYYYMMDD.
A map of the locker zones is included in this system. Click HERE to access.
Some important details about locker selection:
Access to the online system starts Tuesday, September 6 for Grades 8-12. Classroom teachers will assist their Gr. 8 students to access their lockers. Additionally, SSL's Harp & Tyler can provide support
Only one student per locker
Once you have selected your locker, you will not be able to change it.
Some lockers are unavailable because they are reserved for specific programs (e.g. Band, BASES, etc.)
Students are responsible for the contents and condition of their registered locker.